Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 17:57:40 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: bluuueblooooood!!! CC: oooh BLUUUUUUEY! CC: i've got my boredom on and prip ain't around, CC: also i seem to be bleeding a lot? CC: modus a bit more challenging than usual. CC: kind of stupid but whatever. CC: so, like, CC: what's up???
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 17:59:44 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: And why exact1y am ! the f!rst one you contact, "purp1eb1ood"? GT: 1ast t!me ! checked, we were not exact1y on best terms. GT: Or maybe you've just got short-term memory 1oss. GT: Oh GT: And don't ever ca11 me b1uey. GT: Ever.
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 18:08:45 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: would you prefer we CUT this SHORT, CC: like LOSERS? CC: prip is probably having his rad red funtimes with joarst, CC: fuck knows where the princess has gone, CC: ditto with our filthy MUTANT, CC: and our CHAMPION poser, CC: what is up with that guy, i don't even, CC: filthblood being all posery like a BLASPHEMOUS MOTHERFUCKING.... CC: wait, were you saying something? >:?
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 18:11:34 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Thank you for not go!ng !nto Pr!pas's... GT: Red GT: Aff!1!at!ons. GT: Not rea11y. GT: That was sarcasm. GT: Haha. GT: Fuck you. GT: And ! don't rea11y care about the others. GT: ! don't care about Er!kka or other "f!1thb1oods." GT: Why do you even need to ca11 them that? GT: Can't we just say "1owerb1oods" and be done?
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 18:18:06 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: you can call them what you WANNA little barkbeast blue, CC: anywhere from the GLAMOROUS FIELD OF ROTBLOOD MIRTH, CC: to the TORTURED cells of HIGHBOOOD BOUNTY, CC: hic, CC: doesn't change a THING, CC: we'll be the ONLY ones left after the first few hundred sweeps. CC: i mean granted we don't visit the dark carnival beforehand of course, CC: they're gonna die OLD, CC: when we're still YOUNG. CC: like a motherfucking, CC: reverse-mirth miracle.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 18:21:16 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Yeah, that's good to know. GT: We'11 1!ve 1onger than them, woohoo. GT: Are you done? GT: Good. GT: And uh. GT: Fuck. GT: Pr!pas !s... GT: Ughhhh.
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 18:29:42 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: yeah. CC: he is, CC: he IS, CC: but it's not something i can just TALK to him about, CC: even during our JAMS, CC: hee hee hee.............. CC: ............................................ CC: ...................... CC: ..... CC: shit, this is probably coming off like a BLASPHEMOUS pale solicitation, CC: rowdy minstrels ready for a diamond promise, CC: forget that tent. CC: sup with you??? CC: did i ask that already. CC: don't remember.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 18:31:26 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: !f you cons!der that the same as "what's up" GT: Then yes. GT: But uh. GT: ! k!nda needed to ask Pr!pas someth!ng. GT: Any !dea when he'11 be on? GT: Fuck that sounds uh. GT: Neverm!nd. GT: !'m not do!ng much, just feed!ng snakes and sh!t. GT: What about you?
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 18:36:43 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: better off trying TOMORROW chicka, CC: or banging at there SWEET hive door. CC: i'm... uh, as far as i can tell, CC: still BLEEDING. CC: but us highbloods are made out of some TOUGH SHIT. CC: so it'll be fine in like fifteen minutes.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 18:38:42 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: B1eed!ng, huh? GT: That's pretty common for us. GT: Just the other day ! broke an ent!re arm 1!ft!ng we!ghts. GT: Hea1ed w!th!n a day. GT: So, yes, we are made of tough sh!t. GT: But ! am not go!ng to go up to the!r front door. GT: See s1oppy makeouts. GT: And f!11ed buckets. GT: ! th!nk ! just threw up !n my mouth.
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 18:42:04 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: hee hee hee, CC: boys got a rowdy COLLECTION of the miraculous BAWDY RECEPTACLES, CC: you'll be fine if you stay downstairs. CC: just don't touch any of their towels. CC: >;o
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 18:47:53 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Eugh. GT: Nasty. GT: They are !n a matespr!tsh!p, r!ght? GT: Not a k!smes!sstude?
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 27, 2012 18:50:40 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: for pretty much FOREVER, CC: yeah. CC: pripas self-fic is SORT of auto-biographical? KINDA, mostly. CC: depending on his authorial WHIMSY.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 27, 2012 18:54:45 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Haha. GT: ! wou1d read h!s f!cs. GT: !f they weren't so... GT: Crude. GT: And GT: Quadranty. GT: That's not even a fuck!ng word. GT: But uh GT: You remember the memo? GT: When, uh, Pr!pas tr!ed to aust!sp!ce between Be1 and !? GT: We11, the reaosn ! refused !s because there was no k!smes!s there. GT: But uh GT: ... GT: ! fuck!ng hate ta1k!ng about th!s sh!t.
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Oct 30, 2012 23:37:56 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: yes!!! CC: i would have happily eviscerated the two of you for him, CC: but he was so resignedly AGAINST it, CC: it was actually kind of... CC: well, maybe that is too pale for your TASTES! CC: oh! CC: obviously don't take that as an INCENTIVE to go all clubs with belly, CC: i mean you should have guessed BY NOW what my reaction would have been to all of that, RIGHT? >:? CC: i don't need to hide it or anything like THOSE OF OUR LINEAGE are SUPPOSED to do, yeah? CC: since we're all up and getting our RUEFUL PEASANTBLOOD on. CC: no sedition, treason, backstabbing, defection, or mind gambits going on here! CC: just UP and MIRACLE HONESTY.