Post by SIGURY DRINKE on Nov 8, 2012 11:06:13 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 6a006a; text-align: left;]OP: i dO nOt nO2mally dO tHis OP: but if yOu a2e gOing tO be a miss p2iss OP: tHen i willll just Have tO sta2t tO 2Hyme OP: even if it is a waste Of time OP: nOw yOu2 miste2 (t2Oll) ve2nes OP: needed tO stick witH wHat He knew OP: nOt spit Out a bOOk like a blOb Of cHa2lestOn cHew OP: He lacked a2ticulatiOn OP: and any sO2t Of inspi2atiOn OP: His vOcabulary was lacking OP: sO sta2t packing OP: because gOOd miste2 fltHulu OP: will nOt excuse yOu
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Nov 8, 2012 12:46:17 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: boo doo doo doo DOOH, ba-dum dum dum dum duuum, da-nah nah nah nah NAH- CC: oh shit we're still up and DISCUSSING, CC: this critical, hypocritical, fussing and mussing? CC: this lyrical literary debauchery, CC: our on-going war of mockery? CC: give you props for that, CC: let's take it up a notch, natch, CC: ba-dum-tish! CC: hit it! CC: lack variety? CC: psh, howard was ALL about propriety, CC: and honestly, who wants to read about motherfucking seadweller sobriety? CC: yeah well maybe some chick named sigury, CC: but we all know what blurry slurry, CC: she crawled out of in a hurry, CC: (hee hee hee) CC: ahem, CC: that's some elitist intellectual metrosexual ineffectual BEE ES, CC: like that just conFESS, CC: so we can all go home with REDRESS, CC: from this heckova a mess, CC: look i'll forgive you, you live in an underwater hive, CC: nothing down there should well be alive, CC: (that's a compliment, accept it, take that dive) CC: eating dirt is a pleasure, so i'll spare you the pain, CC: of having to get any dust on my main, CC: game, CC: look in synoptical fashion, CC: that we gotta mash in, CC: this is over, sea rover, CC: lovecraft's been done over, CC: filleted. Heck no there ain't no 'moreover,' CC: we're done here, CC: live in fear, CC: of your terrestrial overlords' sneer. CC: BOOM!
Post by SIGURY DRINKE on Nov 8, 2012 14:47:58 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 6a006a; text-align: left;]OP: i 2espect yOu2 OpiniOn OP: tHOugH its OdO2 is wO2se tHan an OniOn OP: and sHOuld miste2 lOvec2aft's wO2k be Ove2 OP: tHen sHOuld miste2 ve2nes' wO2ks still be dOne, yOu land-lOver OP: ve2rnes is Olde2, cOa2se2, OP: Outdated, unsOpHifisticated OP: His wO2ks belOng in a museum a2cHive OP: sO c2awl back to yOu2 Hive OP: yOu need a 2eality cHeck OP: Heck OP: bOne up and dO sOme 2eading OP: because he2e cOmes a beating OP: in tHe te2ms Of yOu2 bette2s OP: tHe Ocean-dwelle2s OP: lOvec2aft may be sup2emacist OP: but He can be because He is tHe g2eatest OP: ve2nes Has nO fOllOwing OP: yOu just sit a2Ound, weeping and wallOwing OP: lOvec2aft Has cOntempO2a2ies OP: nOt just sOme fai2ies OP: like One named parcae OP: tHe2e is nO way OP: tHe wO2ld will see OP: He2 be OP: nOble like us OP: tHe seadwelle2s of befO2us
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Nov 9, 2012 21:40:45 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: beforus? Pft, more like SNOREUS, CC: okay so let me see if i caught the grist and gist of your fuss, CC: no one reads vernes? pft, now you're jokin', CC: i don't know what toke YOU've been smokin', CC: but vernes is not only too cool for school feedin', CC: he's the shit that EVERYTROLL's been readin', CC: (well him and troll jo rowling) CC: (but y'know how they say she's been mind controlling) CC: look i KNOW we all wanna be clear, CC: that the authors we read are something quite DEAR, CC: but don't mistake your ATTITUDE, CC: as being enough to erase your filthy platitude, CC: blood is motherfucking sacred, CC: anyone using it to promote bloody hatred, CC: ain't UNDERSTOOD the first thing about society, CC: probably too busy waxing poetic about piety, CC: and sure that's a way to earn NOTORIETY, CC: but someone to aspire to? take it advisedly
Post by SIGURY DRINKE on Nov 21, 2012 13:20:37 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 6a006a; text-align: left;]OP: yOu speak Of tHe sac2ed OP: but yOu2 attempts a2e clea2ly wasted OP: On sOme seve2e miscOnceptiOns OP: sO allOw sOme cO22ectiOns. OP: yOu speak Of nOtO2iety OP: wHat yOu clea2ly lack is piety. OP: blOOd is nOt a metHod Of disea2ning wHo sHOuld be Hated OP: because it by wHe2e One lives tHat tHey a2e 2ated. OP: land is fO2 tHe c2awle2s OP: tHe b2awle2s OP: tHe weak-minded fOOls OP: swimming in tHei2 pOOls OP: neve2 unde2standing OP: tHe meaning Of tHe b2anding OP: tHey Have 2eceived OP: by being agg2ieved OP: by tHei2 bOulde2-tOOtHed OP: leade2s, living in tHei2 2OOst. OP: nOw we Of tHe aquatic pe2suasiOn OP: Have plenty Of time fO2 cOntemplatiOn OP: wHat witH tHe t2anspO2tatiOn OP: being dOne by leg undulatiOn OP: (tHat is swimming, if yOu we2e in sOme sO2t Of speculatiOn). OP: we Have nO need fO2 non-civilities OP: due tO Ou2 g2eate2 abilities OP: g2anted tO us by tHe mOtHe2-g2ub OP: fa2 bette2 tHan being stuck witH yOu and yOu2 club OP: wasting yOu2 time witH idle cHit-cHat OP: wHile we a2e f2ee f2Om any autOc2at OP: save tHe emp2ess OP: wHO we su2ely imp2ess. OP: as a land-dwelle2 OP: yOu may 2ecOgnize ve2nes as a best-selle2 OP: but dO nOt mistake yOu2 place OP: as pa2t Of tHe se2vitude-sectiOn Of Ou2 2ace. OP: yOu a2e insignificant OP: so 2emain dilligent OP: fO2 sOOn we will be militant OP: and we will eliminate eacH and eve2y i22itant OP: tHat is in Ou2 patH OP: fO2 g2eat is Ou2 w2atH.
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Nov 25, 2012 1:38:08 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 2b0057; text-align: left;]CC: don't wrestle with wrath, CC: that's a grape flavored faygo, CC: stepping down on my path? CC: trying to play with MY lego? CC: impressive! But hey, philosophy? CC: ever try and drink just a simple pod of coffee? CC: unctuous, iridescent, CC: puerile, prurient, CC: whatever you call it that sheen is still there, CC: a jolly little rainbow that you'd find anywhere, CC: no matter how much you deny, CC: no matter the tears that you cry, CC: no matter the lies of the wise, CC: no matter the color of alien skies, CC: faygo's still faygo, and pie is still pie, CC: the hemocaste's going to be around when you die, CC: so here's a hint for the incrementally indisposed, CC: the pan-challenged, thought-scavenged, potentially deposed: CC: your ships run on yellow, and your armies on green, CC: the purples and blues? they're still part of the machine, CC: even a mudblood still charges and reaps, CC: why even a red can live for some sweeps, CC: but a chum bucket, fuck it, CC: that's just a useless frill, CC: so just hunker down and pay your bill, CC: face it you've ;lakjsdflamkd;cw CC: A:KLFJD:KMCPWEMFMW-
catastropheCannibal's[CC] computer has blacked out!
Post by SIGURY DRINKE on Nov 27, 2012 0:24:52 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: 6a006a; text-align: left;]OP: yOu knOw wHat? OP: i'm gOing tO take tHis as a victO2y fO2 me OP: because i win by default OP: gOOd luck witH yOu2 cOmptatiOnal t2Oubles OP: di2tbag
oceanicProponent [OP] has logged off