Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 9, 2012 21:59:22 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]-- gracefulThespian [GT] began trolling misguidedPreserver [MP] at __-__ --
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 9, 2012 22:04:38 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;]misguidedPreserver [MP] replied gracefulThespian [GT] at --:--
MP: um... MP: ...hmmm.. MP: i'm sorry..but..uh, who are you..? MP: and i don't think i've played any pranks on anyone.. MP: at least MP: as far as I remember.. ><
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 9, 2012 22:10:18 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WHO ARE YOU"? GT: WHO DO YOU TH!NK TH!S !S, THE BUCKETFA!RY? GT: WHO THE FUCK EVEN BE1!EVES !N THAT SH!T ANYMORE. GT: JUST CONFESS, AND !'11 MAKE YOUR PUN!SHMENT 1ESS SEVERE.
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 9, 2012 22:13:12 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;] MP: i'm fairly certain that you are not in any sense the bucket fairy.. MP: if there's even such a thing MP: but i'm pretty sure... MP: you might have gotten me confused with someone else.. ;;
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 9, 2012 22:17:19 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: What do you mean? GT: Wa!t.... GT: So you're not?... GT: How the fuck d!d ! get the hand1es m!xed up. GT: We11, no matter. GT: You're not the person !'m 1ook!ng for. GT: We11, !f th!s !sn't the!r hand1e, then what d!d they change !t to? GT: Damm!t. More grub chases. GT: Oh we11, have a n!ce day. GT: Or, whatever you humans, that's me assum!ng that's what you are, correct? Yeah, have whatever the equ!va1ent to a n!ce day !s.
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 9, 2012 22:20:43 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;] MP: hey wait... MP: you're one of those other aliens! MP: you're one of the..uh, twelve others right?
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 9, 2012 22:24:48 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: ! f!nd a1!en to be a stereotyp!ca1 phrase. GT: A better term wou1d be fore!gner, or out1ander. GT: Or you cou1d just ca11 me by my spec!es' name, of course. GT: Wh!ch, by the way, for someth!ng to add to your extraneous human know1edge books, wou1d be a tro11. GT: Congratu1at!ons, you 1earned someth!ng actua11y usefu1 to you for the future.
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 9, 2012 22:29:10 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;] MP: oh yeah, that's it MP: you're called trolls..! MP: um, so, is it true that you guys..uh MP: have different blood colours?
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 9, 2012 22:31:16 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: We11, we11. GT: Somebody's been do!ng the!r homework. GT: You're not 1!ke the other humans, a11 !gnorant and se1f!sh. GT: Yeah, we have d!fferent co1ors. GT: But, !n a11 honesty, ! hate the system. GT: But... !f you rea11y want to know... GT: !'m what they ca11 a b1ue b1ood.
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 9, 2012 22:36:44 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;] MP: hmm.. MP: that's uh...pretty cool MP: having different blood colours and all.. MP: um... MP: what kind of system is it? MP: do you guys have..a..uh, government kind of thing too?
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 9, 2012 22:40:44 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: What ! want to know !s where you're gett!ng a11 your !nformat!on from. GT: But, yeah. ! guess. GT: As ! sa!d before, !t's stup!d. Fuck!ng r!d!cu1ous !f you ask me. GT: HO1Y HE11 ! JUST FUCK!NG GT: No, no, !'m not f1!pp!ng the fuck out r!ght now. GT: Fuck, th!s top!c !s gett!ng me mad. GT: !'m just chang!ng !t now. GT: What about you humans? GT: 1!ke, what do you do? What's the po!nt of your 1!ves?
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 10, 2012 10:32:13 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;] MP: uh... MP: quite a few of my friends have already been, um...trolled by you guys MP: word spread around i suppose..? MP: and uh.. MP: i'm not sure how to answer the question ;;; MP: it's not like we all do the same thing or anything ;;;;
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 10, 2012 17:21:44 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: So humans don't have d!fferent b1ood co1ors then? GT: You're a11 the same? GT: How do you p!ck a ru1er then? GT: !f you a11 have the same b1ood.
Post by TORY WOLFFE on Oct 11, 2012 5:34:16 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ffffff; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color:teal; text-align: left;] MP: well...uh, no MP: our blood colours are all the same MP: red : / MP: and we all have different ways of picking a ruler MP: depends on where you're from MP: where i live, we..uh...just vote for the person we want as a new ruler MP: and whoever gets the most vote...gets to be the new ruler..? MP: we call them president here though ><;;
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 11, 2012 20:14:38 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;]GT: Why wou1d humans do that? GT: That's stup!d. GT: How wou1d you even know !f they wou1d be a good 1eader? GT: Humans are so fuck!ng we!rd.