Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 13, 2012 23:58:51 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: well...idunno. NC: guess its because theres always been this need for me to be like this to peeps like you. NC: kinda like a protective instinct, idunno. NC: and i think you need it, you know, someone to regulate your feels. NC: youd probably go insane if left alone, 555.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 14, 2012 0:00:46 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: ... GT: That !s actua11y qu!te accurate. GT: ! probab1y wou1d and w!11 go !nsane desp!te hav!ng no need for quadrants. GT: No. GT: No, ! do not need re1at!onsh!ps. GT: ! can surv!ve w!thout them.
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 14, 2012 0:04:03 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: urgh, my face is in a frustrated warp right now. NC: i guess you could survive, but youd be downright miserable. NC: no ones an island, SuperSpy. no troll, either, dont pull that excuse on me! NC: dont you, idunno, maybe are flushed for someone right now, maybe? NC: thats the only relationship thing of you guys that i know, so.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 14, 2012 0:05:35 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Oh, no. GT: We have other quadrants. GT: But !f you want to know more about them... GT: ! wou1d just ask MP or !T. GT: !'ve a1ready exp1a!ned quadrants two t!mes too many today. GT: And no! GT: ! wou1d never have f1ushed fee1!ngs!
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 14, 2012 0:08:18 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: so, therere more then. NC: wow. sounds complex. unlike ours, which is just basically i love you or i hate you. NC: hrm, you sound a bit, oh idunno, in denial there. NC: juuuuust a bit. NC: hurhurhurhurhur.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 14, 2012 0:09:46 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Not another d!stressed hoofbeast. GT: ! f!nd your crue1 treatment of hoofbeasts demean!ng. GT: And ! am not !n den!a1. GT: Th!s !s the oppos!te of den!a1. GT: Th!s !s me say!ng ! do not fee1 f1ushed.
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 14, 2012 0:17:08 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: i dont like, have a fetish for torturin horses, ok. NC: its more like a chuckle kinda sound. NC: guess i cant really continue with the teasin now, cuz like, i dont know that much bout your life, really. NC: but trust me, when i do get to know you more, theres no escape from me, 555+! NC: oh yeah, Mirror-Mirror mentioned that you were helpin her with, uh, wooin Thor and stuff. hows that goin? NC: not that i, uh, really need to know or anythin.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 14, 2012 0:18:32 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: We11... GT: ! am not sure !f ! am ent!t1ed to te11 you. GT: ! do not know !f !t !s appropr!ate for humans. GT: But, ! guess s!nce you a1ready know about her f1ushed fee1!ngs... GT: Then ! suppose you cou1d say ! have been do!ng that.
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 14, 2012 6:11:29 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: ah... NC: then i guess, um, you kinda have the right to know whats goin on bout this too then. NC: prepare for like, my life story here. NC: well, the thing is, i know Mirror-Mirror has a crush on Thor and all, and thats fine. great, even! NC: i want them both to be happy, see, cuz theyre both my friends. NC: but there was one day where stuff happened, and then Thor ended up sayin somethin along the lines of 'i like you'. NC: somethin like that. and the feelins on my side, well, theyre kinda conflicted now. NC: just thought you should know, since youre bein the catalyst for all this romance goin round i guess.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 14, 2012 10:12:53 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: So then... GT: You a1so have f1ushed fee1!ngs for th!s MP? GT: What !s he, a hunk of some sort?
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 15, 2012 7:27:04 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: we-ell, no not exactly, its kinda like...um. NC: like, i think i do, but i think i dont as well, but then you know when someone confesses to you you just wanna say 'yeah, me too'. NC: im not sure whether its that feelin talkin or me talkin. NC: and if hes happier with Mirror-Mirror, then im perfectly ok with it! but.....arg, idunno!!!!! NC: and ive never seen him in real-life before, so for all i know he could be. NC: by the way he talks though, i think thats pretty unlikely.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 15, 2012 20:00:29 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Er. GT: ! am not catch!ng on, as you say, w!th your h!nts. GT: What are you ta1k!ng about?
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 16, 2012 7:57:59 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: nevermind, then! NC: its nothin really important, anyway. NC: thanks for listenin to me rant-ish, 555+. NC: now at least you know the backstory behind all this. NC: now its your turn to tell me bout your life! NC: hurhurhurhurhur.
Post by SVIERO STELTH on Oct 16, 2012 17:32:06 GMT -5
. [style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #eeeecc; border: 1px dashed #a17549; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: #000056; text-align: left;] GT: Um... GT: What !s there to say? GT: ! was born a grub and was taken care of by my 1usus. GT: That's a11 there !s to !t, pretty much.
Post by PETE WASUPON on Oct 17, 2012 7:46:51 GMT -5
[style=width: 450px; padding: 10 25; background: #ADD8E6; border: 1px dashed black; font-size: 11px; font-family: courier new; font-weight: bold; color: red; text-align: left;]NC: by grub you mean baby, right? NC: aaaaand, lesse, lusus would be, idunno, a parent or somethin? NC: well, thats basically sayin you were born and raised, and thats it. NC: nothin interestin? cuz honestly thats a pretty lame answer, 555+. NC: aight, if you want to be that way, then how bout tellin me bout your 'lusus' or whatever?