Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 9, 2013 23:59:37 GMT -5
catastropheCannibal [CC] began trolling sedulousSingular [SS] at --:--
CC: hello SHITBLOOD! CC: i'm here to VERIFY your SUITABILITY for a GAME. CC: so then! CC: do you want to play, CC: a GAME??? CC: >;o
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 10, 2013 0:20:47 GMT -5
sedulousSingular [SS] replied catastropheCannibal [CC] at --:--
SS: ..i don't paRticulaRly enjoy being called that [o]n[o] SS: but i don't suppose it'd stop you fRom calling me that [=]n[=] SS: and i am game foR anything SS: it all comes down to what kind of game we'Re talking about SS: honestly, if it's about flaRp then i'll just have you know i have no interest in playing such games [>].[<]
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 10, 2013 0:26:23 GMT -5
CC: hee hee hee, no it isn't something so CRUDE and POINTLESS as FLARP. CC: it is............. CC: .......... CC: ..... CC: THE GAME. CC: the PURPOSE to our PUPATION, CC: the CULMINATION of a HUNDRED GENERATIONS of STRIFE, CC: the ENDLESS LOATHING THAT BATHES THE STARS IN MIRTHLESS GLORY, CC: it is, CC: called.................. CC: ........... CC: ... CC: kismessitude!!! CC: interested? >;o
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 10, 2013 0:45:57 GMT -5
SS: oh SS: wow [O] _ [O] SS: hey uh, paRcae SS: i don't think you pRobably know this or anything SS: maybe you'Re just high on your miRacle juices or whateveR you call it SS: but i don't think something as, well, this, can even be consideRed as a game [O]-[=] SS: i mean, don't get me wRong though, i Really Really REALLY don't like you [o]m[o]
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 10, 2013 0:48:26 GMT -5
CC: ...yes? CC: that is sort of the POINT to a kismessitude, right??? CC: mutual FEAR and LOATHING. CC: or, CC: well, CC: DISLIKE is a good STARTING point.
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 10, 2013 1:15:42 GMT -5
SS: i undeRstand what kismessitude means SS: thank you veRy much [=]n[=] SS: i'm just saying, what exactly bRought something like that on??
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 10, 2013 1:27:11 GMT -5
CC: ...it's a black SOLICITATION geez, don't think TOO deeply on it. CC: try a little caliginous fling! CC: it'll get your TURGID BROWN BLOOD MOVING.
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 10, 2013 12:35:42 GMT -5
SS: [=].[=] SS: ...alRight, i mean, what the heck SS: it's not like i'll be able to dislike you anymoRe than i do now SS: which is alReady alot by my standaRds [<].[<]
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 17, 2013 0:50:16 GMT -5
CC: see that is EXACTLY what i am talking about. CC: you're getting more HOT-BLOODED already, CC: nowhere NEAR necessary to operate on the same HATE PLANE as me, obviously!!! CC: but by the time we are THROUGH you will be chopping up the haters and leaving tokens of your BLEAK, BLACK APPRECIATION on my lawnring, CC: i GUARANTEE it!!!
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 17, 2013 11:33:49 GMT -5
SS: ..... SS: i'm going to pRetend like i undeRstand exactly what you just said.. SS: and just say that SS: i hope you like cawbeasts [o]v[o] SS: because if that's what you mean by hateRs and tokens of black appReciation SS: that's pRobably what you'Re getting SS: dead cawbeasts SS: on youR lawnRing, pRobably chopped up as well if that's what you want [=]w[=] SS: unless it might be too unseemly for one of youR statuRe SS: well then, all the betteR [^]_[^]
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 18, 2013 8:52:14 GMT -5
CC: cawbeasts are an EXCELLENT start, CC: though the ENTIRE point is being EXTRA HATEFUL, CC: so you might want to revise your choice with ME, since lusus is............. CC: ........ CC: ... CC: a DEEP one!!! o: CC: what is your lusus again i will go cull something that approximates his/her shape, CC: you will be WORRIED about him/her FOREVER, CC: this'll be GREAT!!!
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 18, 2013 11:25:07 GMT -5
SS: woah, that's a pRetty good idea SS: but you know, one step at a time SS: cawbeasts fiRst SS: then we can slowly move up to...lusii-Related matteRs SS: seRiously though, if you touch my lusus, i don't caRe how but Revenge is guaRunteed [o]v[o]
Post by PARCAE PELTIS on Feb 26, 2013 13:21:50 GMT -5
CC: but that moment of blood-gushing FEAR, CC: the UNCERTAINTY and the NEED to DOUBLE or even TRIPLE-CHECK!!! CC: it's, CC: nothing quite COMPARES for stirring up DARK PASSIONS. CC: hee hee hee,
Post by YORISA MEDAIN on Feb 28, 2013 7:00:16 GMT -5
SS: alRight... SS: this is getting weiRd SS: .....i think i'm going to go check on my..uh..animals SS: i will be Right back
sedulousSingular [SS] is now an idle chum